In some OCS 2007/R2 Implementation scenarios without Enterprise Voice it is required that all user’s Telephone numbers in Active Directory to be populated to Office Communicator 2007/R2 though Office Communication Server 2007/R2 Address Book, so Communicator user can know Telephone Numbers for his contacts with one click on a contact inside Office Communicator without query the Corporate Directory in Outlook or from Corporate Telephone System, below picture show what user will see from one click in communicator when User’s Telephone Numbers Auto Populated from Active Directory to Office Communicator.
This Microsoft article shows that if the telephone number stored in Active Directory is not in standard format ………………. Then numbers will not be populated to Office Communicator

This Microsoft article shows that if the telephone number stored in Active Directory is not in standard format ………………. Then numbers will not be populated to Office Communicator
Create Company Normalization Rule File
To overcome the non standard telephone numbers issue and allow Auto Population for User’s Telephone Numbers from Active Directory to Office Communication Server 2007/R2 you need to create Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules text file include all customer Normalization Rules related to how customer store Telephone Numbers in Active Directory, to this there is a template file named “Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt” and stored in OCS Front End Server in this path “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2\Web Components\Address Book Files\Files” this template file is like the one in picture below:

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